Walking is Still Honest

someone holding a question cardphoto: A. Ivinskaitė

The symposium Walking is still honest in Vilnius was an excellent opportunity to show our ongoing research in simularr, discussing findings, and experimenting with methods.

The symposium at SODAS2123 was dedicated to walking and represented a great framework to share not only the individual research processes opened during the intensive weeks phase of the first simularr interval, but also some overarching questions and proceedings. Daniele Pozzi presented his ongoing experiment, a project based on sonic mapping of the spaces of the Schrattenberg compound, allowing the participants to feel and record the space while hearing and correlating with memories, simultaneous with the documented experience of the person before. Nayarí Castillo presented her transposable objects, a performance activating liminal spaces and found objects of the compound. The action gave context and opened magical portals on the different surfaces of transposed objects. Hanns Holger Rutz, on his side, revealed dialogical objects and other conceptual movements within space.

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simularr’s Nayarí Castillo has been invited to take part in the Techno-disobedience week work session in Graz (23–27 October 2023), co-organised by Constant Brussels and esc medien kunst labor Graz. The workshop focused on collective processes, technological environments, and projects that contest capitalist forms of art production. This environment allowed Castillo to present and discuss different findings of simularr, mostly on collaborative practices and forms of disobedience. Castillo provided input from simularr with a specialised workshop on walking as a method for research. For this occasion, she presented question walks as a research method and discussed possibilities for implementation with the workshop participants.

simularr Announces Workshop at ULisboa

Workshop Motif

simularr and the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Lisboa are happy to announce a call for participation in the workshop Simultaneous Mapping Practices on speculative forms of collaborative space mapping. The interdisciplinary workshop is directed at artists-researchers with practices across different media. In close collaboration with the Department of Communication Design, Department of Multimedia Art, and the Department of Sculpture at FBAUL, we encourage PhD students, MA students, and other practitioners-researchers to participate.

full call PDF / form

simularr Soirée – Swap Spaces Catalogue Presentation

We are happy to announce the Swap Spaces catalogue, which we celebrate with a simularr Soirée – Swap Spaces Catalogue Presentation, Wed 25 October, 19:00h, at Grazer Kunstverein, Burggasse 4. Some of the contributing artists will be present, sharing in a round table, and accompanied by a musical improvisation and other contributions.

Swap Spaces Catalogue Out Now

Swap Spaces cover

We celebrate the first year of simularr with the presentation of Swap Spaces — a catalogue recollecting the experiences of the pilot phase of the project. Edited by Nayarí Castillo and Hanns Holger Rutz, the book gathers the stories of the different participants by revealing ways of artistic production and research, acknowledging influences between artists, and highlighting positive contaminations among practices. With texts from Shane Finan, Franziska Hederer, Jackie Karuti, Alisa Kobzar, Johanna Lettmayer, Consuelo Méndez, David Pirrò, Daniele Pozzi, and the editors themselves, this catalogue paves the way for understanding other forms of working together.

The Swap Spaces catalogue is now ready for ordering via Reagenz’ publishing portfolio.