Countdown to the Forum Artistic Research

It is less than a month to the first Forum Artistic Research hosted at the Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (GMPU) in Klagenfurt, a joint effort by GMPU and simularr. Originally conceived as a major milestone of the research project, we opened up its theme to topics that resonated with the kind of collaborations we investigate in simularr, from ecological and more-than-human perspectives to the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary work, succinctly captured in the title “listen for beginnings”.

Based on an open call, twenty-seven contributions come from various countries and authors with a large variety of disciplines and backgrounds—freelance artists, early career and established researchers.

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Concluding the Second Interval

outside view of Domenig Steinhaus with ceramic intervention

The second project interval was particularly nomadic: Beginning at our trusted art space Reagenz and the premises of the Technical Unversity in Graz, we then took the Adriatic road to Lecce in Southern taly (with a stopover in Rimini), returning after the intensive weeks to Carinthia, Austrian’s southernmost state bordering Italy. At the Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (GMPU) work is underway to build spaces for Artistic Research, and we identified a yet-to-be-refurbished space as our penulimate domicile, baptised by us for its colour and Lynchian feel the “Yellow Lodge”. From here, it was only a stone’s throw to the Domenig Steinhaus in Ossiach, which hosted us for the concluding reflection rounds.

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Intensive Weeks in San Cesario di Lecce

the roof top of Palazzo Russo in San Cesario before dusk

The so-called ‘intensive weeks’ of the simularr intervals live up to their name. We open our senses, our intellects, and we let others into our working processes, which are interwoven with collaborative and group activities. For the spring 2024 interval, we were lucky to work at the Palazzo Russo in San Cesario di Lecce, hosted by Alessandra and Nikolai Pomarico (Free Home University). With an uncanny resemblence to some of our prior imagined drawings of a suitable ‘house of simultaneous arrivals’, the palazzo is based on a circular layout of rooms encompassing a patio. The space offered ample possibilities for distributing the research team, consisting of the core researchers, the two invited researchers (Elena Redaelli and Fulya Uçanok), the invited facilitators (Susanne Bosch, arriving by bike from Rome, and Miguel Castillo).

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The Second Arrival

interval 2 team outside the Reagenz space

In the past week, we have begun the in-situ work of the project’s second interval, meeting at Reagenz and Alte Technik. The photo was taken on the first day in front of Reagenz, space for artistic experiments, from left to right: Fulya Uçanok, Daniele Pozzi, Hanns Holger Rutz, Franziska Hederer, Nayarí Castillo, Elena Redaelli.

This time, both incoming artists work with the principle investigators at the two adjacent spaces of Reagenz. We begin with a three weeks phase in Graz, followed by an intensive two weeks retreat near Lecce, in Italy, where we are joined by Susanne Bosch as facilitator, and the second part of the interval takes place at the Mahler university in Klagenfurt (GMPU). Some initial results will be presented at the GMPU’s Forschungsforum (research forum) on 16 April at 5 pm (Mießtaler Straße 8, Klagenfurt).

simularr calls for contributions to Forum Artistic Research symposium in Klagenfurt

Symposium Motif

Under the title Listen for Beginnings, we co-organise the first interdisciplinary symposium Forum Artistic Research at the Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (GMPU) in Klagenfurt, AT, which will take place 27–29 June 2024. A major focus of the three day event is approaches to collaboration and togetherness in artistic research, thus creating a strong link with simularr. Please see the Call-for-Contributions which is open until 02 February 11 February 2024.