Keynote at CARPA8

On 26 August, simularr member Hanns Holger Rutz gave a keynote at the Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts (CARPA). His talk, entitled “Beyond self and other: Shifting research from automation to endomation”, proposed the provisional neologism to describe a situation in which an ensemble of interdisciplinary artist-researchers, with or without mediation by machines and devices, establishes a spatial situation that allows to think and move within a common boundary, where thoughts and artefacts can circulate and be shared without the need for an equalisation of intentions and approaches. Case studies included the first simularr interval.

Founded in 2009, CARPA is organised every two years by the Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke) at the University of the Arts Helsinki. As a colloquium and laboratory, it aims to discuss the challenges and possibilities of artistic research, especially in the field of performing arts, understood in a broad sense and involving a variety of different creative practices. The event included three plenary lectures, 27 presentations, three setting-things-in-motion workshops and three overview workshops. There were also outdoor group walks and a selection of short films. CARPA8 had 96 participants from 22 different countries. A proceedings publication is planned.