
“We are in the epoch of simultaneity: we are in the epoch of juxtaposition, the epoch of the near and far, of the side-by-side, of the dispersed. We are at a moment, I believe, when our experience of the world is less that of a long life developing through time than that of a network that connects points and intersects with its own skein.”1

We use the term dispersal here to mark the various “outcomes” of the project, including its antecedents, anything (selected) that is manifest enough to constitute a future point of reference, a node to which to connect.

Exhibitions, Concerts, Pieces

  • upcoming at Neue Galerie Graz (May–Sep 2025).
  • upcoming at Domenig Steinhaus (Aug–Sep 2025).
  • Nayarí Castillo and Hanns Holger Rutz (Dec 2024). Corrosive Divagations. Fixed media version with Spanish text and video. Exhibited at Galería D’Museo, Caracas. Espada del Augurio.
  • Hanns Holger Rutz (Nov 2024). Shouldhalde. Digital album release (Bandcamp).
  • Nayarí Castillo (Jun–Oct 2024). Spells for Shape-Shifting. Exhibited at <rotor>, Graz. Wild Spots. Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World.
  • Hanns Holger Rutz (Nov 2023–Feb 2024). Writing (suspend). Exhibited at <rotor>, Graz. Like an open door leading us where we would never have consented to go.
  • Nayarí Castillo and Hanns Holger Rutz (Jan 2024). Corrosive Divagations. Performed at esc media art lab, Graz. Art’s Birthday.
  • Nayarí Castillo and Hanns Holger Rutz (Dec 2022–Nov 2023). Swap Rogues. Exhibited at Neue Galerie, Graz. Kunstraum Steiermark.
  • Nayarí Castillo and Hanns Holger Rutz (Jul 2023). Phoretic Rogues. Performed at Galerie Eigenheim, Weimar. 11th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X.
  • Daniele Pozzi (Jul 2023). Trópos. Exhibited at Galerie Eigenheim, Weimar. 11th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X.
  • Daniele Pozzi and Hanns Holger Rutz (Jul 2023). Strip and Embellish. Performed at Nivre Studios, Weimar. 11th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X.
  • Daniele Pozzi (Jun 2023) Trópos. Exhibited at KMH, Stockholm. Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023.
  • Daniele Pozzi and Ludvig Elblaus (Jun 2023). sun til threads. Performed at R1 Reaktorhalle, KTH, Stockholm. Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023.
  • Daniele Pozzi and Ludvig Elblaus (May 2023). sun til threads. Performed at Open CUBE, IEM Graz.
  • Daniele Pozzi and Ludvig Elblaus (May 2023). sun til threads. Performed at Der Betrieb, Vienna.


Presentations and Talks

  • 07.11.2024, music4change Sustainable Cities and Cultures of Music: Collaborative Artistic Research through Sound and Intermedia. Doopsgezinde Kerk Groningen, NL.
  • 29.10.2024, GMPU Research Forum: Round Table: Simultaneous Arrivals – Perspectives for Co-Experimentation in Artistic Research. GMPU Klagenfurt.
  • 19.10.2024, Artistic Research Lab: The Multiple – a set of concepts for doing Artistic Research. mdw Vienna.
  • 28.06.2024, Forum Artistic Research: Panel: Simultaneous Arrivals. GMPU Klagenfurt.
  • 24.05.2024, Lange Nacht der Forschung (long night of research), Alps-Adria-University of Klagenfurt.
  • 16.04.2024, GMPU Research Forum: Round Table: Simultaneous Arrivals – Perspectives for Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Artistic Research. GMPU Klagenfurt.
  • 20.11.2023–25.11.2023, simularr organised the workshop Simultaneous Mapping Practices with our partners at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Over the course of one week, we worked together with a group of local PhD candidates and master students from different disciplines. The workshop results will be made available in the form of a Research Catalogue exposition. FBAUL, University of Lisboa.
  • 25.10.2023, simularr Soirée on the occasion of the project’s one year anniversary, including the catalogue presentation of Swap Spaces. Grazer Kunstverein.
  • 06.10.2023, Symposium Walking is Still Honest (about being and moving together): Walking as a Collaborative Research Interface Among Heterogeneous Practices, presentation by the simularr team. SODAS2123 and Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius.
  • 26.08.2023, Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts (CARPA8): Beyond Self and Other: Shifting Research from Automation to Endomation, keynote lecture by Hanns Holger Rutz. University of the Arts, Helsinki.
  • 24.04.2023, signale graz Soirée: simularr with Hanns Holger Rutz, Nayari Castillo, Franziska Hederer, Daniele Pozzi, Ludvig Elblaus, Charlotta Ruth. IEM CUBE, Graz.


  • Rutz, Hanns Holger (2024). “Beyond Self and Other: A Research Shift from Automation to Endomation”. In: Proceedings of the 8th Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts (CARPA). Helsinki: Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki.
  • Castillo, Nayarí, and Hanns Holger Rutz, eds. (2023). Swap Spaces. Graz: Reagenz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-9504622-5-8.
  • Rutz, Hanns Holger and Castillo, Nayarí (2023). “Phoretic Rogues”. In: Proceedings of 11th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X (xCoAx). Ed. by Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, and André Rangel. Porto: i2ADS, Research Institute in Art, Design and Society, University of Porto, pp. 383–388.
  • Pozzi, Daniele and Rutz, Hanns Holger (2023). “Strip & Embellish”. In: Proceedings of 11th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X (xCoAx). Ed. by Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, and André Rangel. Porto: i2ADS, Research Institute in Art, Design and Society, University of Porto, pp. 425–429.
  • Pozzi, Daniele (2023). “Trópos”. In: Proceedings of 11th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X (xCoAx). Ed. by Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, and André Rangel. Porto: i2ADS, Research Institute in Art, Design and Society, University of Porto, pp. 378–382.
  • Rutz, Hanns Holger and Castillo, Nayarí (2022). “Simultaneous Writing (Machines)”. In: Proceedings of the 7th Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts (CARPA). Helsinki: Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki.
  • Rutz, Hanns Holger and Nayarí Castillo (2022). “Simultaneous Relaying as a Transformative Mode of Artistic Research”. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artistic Research (SAR Conference). Vienna: Society for Artistic Research.
  • Rutz, Hanns Holger (2021). “Human-Machine Simultaneity in the Compositional Process”. In: Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Music. Ed. by Eduardo Reck Miranda. Springer International Publishing, pp. 21–51.
  • Rutz, Hanns Holger and Nayarí Castillo (2021). “Three Spaces”. In: Proceedings of 9th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X (xCoAx). Ed. by Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, and André Rangel. Porto: i2ADS, University of Porto, pp. 290–306.
  • Hederer, Franziska (2010). “The Adventure of Arriving”. In: Upon Arrivals. Spatial Explorations. Ed. by Katharina Bantleon and Margit Neuhold. Graz: Centre for Intermediality Studies in Graz, pp. 15–20.
  1. Foucault, Michel [1967] (1986). “Of Other Spaces”. Trans. by Jay Miskowiec. In: Diacritics 16.1, pp. 22–27.